When you are struggling to conceive, one of the best things you can do is see an infertility specialist. However, there are times when you should see an infertility specialist and times when you should wait. Learning more about becoming pregnant can help you determine when the best time to see a specialist is.
One of the biggest things that will affect your fertility is age. As women become older, it becomes more difficult for them to conceive. This is because their eggs will continually decrease in number and will become unhealthy as they age.
So, as you become older, it will naturally be harder for you to become pregnant. Eventually, you will enter menopause, which makes it impossible to become pregnant. Some women who are older are still able to become pregnant, but need fertility treatments like in-vitro fertilization to help them become pregnant.
For women who are younger, there are many things that can affect their ability to become pregnant. For healthy women, they have a 25% chance of becoming pregnant the first month they are trying to conceive. However, these chances diminish when weight, health or medical conditions are introduced into the picture.
There are some things you can do to improve your chances of becoming pregnant. For example, maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy foods and drinking lots of water are all things that can help. Living a healthy lifestyle and reducing stress can also be helpful at increasing your chances of becoming pregnant.
Seeing a specialist definitely depends on your age. For women who are healthy and younger than the age of 35, it is suggested that you wait until you have been trying to become pregnant for over a year. However, if you are tracking your ovulation cycle and have determined you aren’t ovulating, you will want to talk to a specialist sooner than this. A doctor will be able to provide you with medication that can help you start ovulating.
For women who are over the age of 35, you should see a specialist after you have been trying to conceive for six months. When you are over this age, you will need to be even more careful about your health than when you were younger. This can help make sure you are able to produce healthy eggs on a regular basis.
Even if you are over the age of 35, a specialist will likely have great success regarding helping you become pregnant. There are many medications and treatments to choose from, so there are often options out there for everyone.