Most women who undergo a miscarriage are able to conceive normally following one. However, that is not the case with everyone. In fact, many women suffer from what is known as recurrent miscarriages. This occurs when a woman has multiple miscarriages in a row without being able to carry a baby to term.
If you are experiencing recurrent miscarriages, there are some things you can do to help improve your situation. Here are a few things you will want to keep in mind.
There are several things that can cause recurrent miscarriages. For example, there could be genetic issues in play. These issues could affect either the mother or the father. To determine if this is an issue, you will need to undergo chromosomal testing of bother members of the couple and determine if a solution is available.
Another common issue is an autoimmune problem. Some women who have conditions like lupus or other autoimmune diseases could find it harder to carry a pregnancy to term. If you are in this situation, proper treatment of the disease is the best option for reducing your chances of a miscarriage.
Uterine problems are also often reasons women have recurrent miscarriages. These could be things that are present from birth or caused by medical treatments like a D&C. In these instances, surgery may be necessary.
Other than major medical problems, there are also simpler things that could cause recurrent miscarriages. For example, some women suffer from them if they have hormonal imbalances. This could be caused by thyroid problems and diseases, uncontrolled diabetes, elevated prolactin or other similar issues. Properly treating these conditions and working to balance your hormones could be the answer if this is what is causing your miscarriages.
Other women find that their lifestyle is causing them to have multiple miscarriages. This could be women who continue to smoke while they are pregnant or who are drastically underweight. Obese women could also see these types of issues as could women who drink alcohol and massive amounts of caffeine while they are pregnant.
To treat recurrent miscarriages, it is first important to determine what is causing them to occur in the first place. This is something you will need to discuss with your doctor and a fertility specialist. With this information, you will have the best chance of treating the cause for these conditions.
Sadly, some women are not able to find a cure for their recurrent miscarriages. In these instances, they often turn towards a surrogate mother or adoption instead. However, by applying these tactics, you may be able to reduce your chance of a miscarriage so that you can finally carry a baby to term.